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It was early September 2019 - Shaun and I were Introduced at a show he was playing. We chatted about music and gigs played of days past. We both grew up in Saskatchewan - 306 and music was our epicentre. In the following months we chatted about  a concept for a guitar amp he had. It was something I had not seen and the ideas flowed out of us like the South Saskatchewan River. We collaborated on this far out build  and in no time soon it was being built into a prototype.
There were yays and nays as the design evolved, eventually settling on a final layout.
I asked as many questions as I could about his playing, his style and approach. What type of amplifier he gravitated to over the years and what gave him the greatest return on the notes he played on his guitar. All of this  detail was incorporated into the circuit.
It came time to wrap up the finished product and make my way out to Vancouver, and then covid hit. Everything stopped. With constant concern on our minds of health and safety, the steam that propelled us forward was ultimately shelved. Until now!

It has finally come to the exciting time of getting this one of a kind guitar amplifier into Shaun's hands and play through it! All the late night design concepts and a million emails back and forth the day has finally arrived.

May 11, 2022 - will be the reveal day - 980 days since the idea was hatched. STAY TUNED!

#badappleamps #handmade #canadianamps #covidcreations #tubetone #tubeamp @sv_trislide

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Sales & Service

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm MST

Saturday 9am - Noon MST

Sunday - CLOSED

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Congratulations to Kelsey Porter for winning the Bad Apple "Layla" amp! Kelsey is an accomplished

multi-instrumentalist songwriter and half of the group Taking August.

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2019 Silver Apple


Greg C., Calgary, AB

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